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This is a CDN server for Jimmy's websites.

  • The server is used to provide libs and files only for Jimmy's websites.
  • Jimmy's Websites:

  • Jimmy's Blog
  • Jimmy's Wiki
  • Jimmy's Toolbox
  • Jimmy's Navi
  • Jimmy's Forum
  • To Be Continued...
  • Rachel's Websites:

  • Rachel's Navi
  • Aiacg Websites:

  • 爱ACG(maintenance)
  • Functional Websites:

  • Jimmy's API
  • Jimmy's CDN Server
  • Jimmy's File
  • Jimmy's Server Status
  • What's on this CDN Server now?

    Static libs:

  • AngularJS
  • Bootstrap
  • Emoji Cheat Sheet
  • Font Awesome
  • highlight.js
  • HTML5 Shiv
  • InstantClick
  • jQuery
  • KaTeX
  • Material Design Lite
  • Metro-UI-CSS
  • MUI
  • PlaneUI
  • Semantic UI
  • Respond.js
  • Web Resources:

  • Images
  • Sounds